path: root/classes/public_handler.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'classes/public_handler.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/classes/public_handler.php b/classes/public_handler.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b7b523b9..000000000
--- a/classes/public_handler.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-class Public_Handler extends Handler {
- private function generate_syndicated_feed($owner_uid, $feed, $is_cat,
- $limit, $search, $search_mode, $match_on, $view_mode = false) {
- require_once "lib/MiniTemplator.class.php";
- $note_style = "background-color : #fff7d5;
- border-width : 1px; ".
- "padding : 5px; border-style : dashed; border-color : #e7d796;".
- "margin-bottom : 1em; color : #9a8c59;";
- if (!$limit) $limit = 30;
- if (get_pref($this->link, "SORT_HEADLINES_BY_FEED_DATE", $owner_uid)) {
- $date_sort_field = "updated";
- } else {
- $date_sort_field = "date_entered";
- }
- $qfh_ret = queryFeedHeadlines($this->link, $feed,
- $limit, $view_mode, $is_cat, $search, $search_mode,
- $match_on, "$date_sort_field DESC", 0, $owner_uid);
- $result = $qfh_ret[0];
- $feed_title = htmlspecialchars($qfh_ret[1]);
- $feed_site_url = $qfh_ret[2];
- $last_error = $qfh_ret[3];
- $feed_self_url = get_self_url_prefix() .
- "/public.php?op=rss&id=-2&key=" .
- get_feed_access_key($this->link, -2, false, $owner_uid);
- if (!$feed_site_url) $feed_site_url = get_self_url_prefix();
- $tpl = new MiniTemplator;
- $tpl->readTemplateFromFile("templates/generated_feed.txt");
- $tpl->setVariable('FEED_TITLE', $feed_title, true);
- $tpl->setVariable('VERSION', VERSION, true);
- $tpl->setVariable('FEED_URL', htmlspecialchars($feed_self_url), true);
- if (PUBSUBHUBBUB_HUB && $feed == -2) {
- $tpl->setVariable('HUB_URL', htmlspecialchars(PUBSUBHUBBUB_HUB), true);
- $tpl->addBlock('feed_hub');
- }
- $tpl->setVariable('SELF_URL', htmlspecialchars(get_self_url_prefix()), true);
- while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_ID', htmlspecialchars($line['link']), true);
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_LINK', htmlspecialchars($line['link']), true);
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_TITLE', htmlspecialchars($line['title']), true);
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_EXCERPT',
- truncate_string(strip_tags($line["content_preview"]), 100, '...'), true);
- $content = sanitize($this->link, $line["content_preview"], false, $owner_uid);
- if ($line['note']) {
- $content = "<div style=\"$note_style\">Article note: " . $line['note'] . "</div>" .
- $content;
- }
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_CONTENT', $content, true);
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_UPDATED_ATOM',
- date('c', strtotime($line["updated"])), true);
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_UPDATED_RFC822',
- date(DATE_RFC822, strtotime($line["updated"])), true);
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_AUTHOR', htmlspecialchars($line['author']), true);
- $tags = get_article_tags($this->link, $line["id"], $owner_uid);
- foreach ($tags as $tag) {
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_CATEGORY', htmlspecialchars($tag), true);
- $tpl->addBlock('category');
- }
- $enclosures = get_article_enclosures($this->link, $line["id"]);
- foreach ($enclosures as $e) {
- $type = htmlspecialchars($e['content_type']);
- $url = htmlspecialchars($e['content_url']);
- $length = $e['duration'];
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_ENCLOSURE_URL', $url, true);
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_ENCLOSURE_TYPE', $type, true);
- $tpl->setVariable('ARTICLE_ENCLOSURE_LENGTH', $length, true);
- $tpl->addBlock('enclosure');
- }
- $tpl->addBlock('entry');
- }
- $tmp = "";
- $tpl->addBlock('feed');
- $tpl->generateOutputToString($tmp);
- print $tmp;
- }
- function getUnread() {
- $login = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["login"]);
- $fresh = $_REQUEST["fresh"] == "1";
- $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_users WHERE login = '$login'");
- if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
- $uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
- print getGlobalUnread($this->link, $uid);
- if ($fresh) {
- print ";";
- print getFeedArticles($this->link, -3, false, true, $uid);
- }
- } else {
- print "-1;User not found";
- }
- }
- function getProfiles() {
- $login = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["login"]);
- $password = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["password"]);
- if (authenticate_user($this->link, $login, $password)) {
- $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT * FROM ttrss_settings_profiles
- WHERE owner_uid = " . $_SESSION["uid"] . " ORDER BY title");
- print "<select style='width: 100%' name='profile'>";
- print "<option value='0'>" . __("Default profile") . "</option>";
- while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $id = $line["id"];
- $title = $line["title"];
- print "<option value='$id'>$title</option>";
- }
- print "</select>";
- $_SESSION = array();
- }
- }
- function pubsub() {
- $mode = db_escape_string($_REQUEST['hub_mode']);
- $feed_id = (int) db_escape_string($_REQUEST['id']);
- $feed_url = db_escape_string($_REQUEST['hub_topic']);
- header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
- echo "404 Not found";
- return;
- }
- // TODO: implement hub_verifytoken checking
- $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT feed_url FROM ttrss_feeds
- WHERE id = '$feed_id'");
- if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
- $check_feed_url = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "feed_url");
- if ($check_feed_url && ($check_feed_url == $feed_url || !$feed_url)) {
- if ($mode == "subscribe") {
- db_query($this->link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET pubsub_state = 2
- WHERE id = '$feed_id'");
- print $_REQUEST['hub_challenge'];
- return;
- } else if ($mode == "unsubscribe") {
- db_query($this->link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET pubsub_state = 0
- WHERE id = '$feed_id'");
- print $_REQUEST['hub_challenge'];
- return;
- } else if (!$mode) {
- // Received update ping, schedule feed update.
- //update_rss_feed($this->link, $feed_id, true, true);
- db_query($this->link, "UPDATE ttrss_feeds SET
- last_update_started = '1970-01-01',
- last_updated = '1970-01-01' WHERE id = '$feed_id'");
- }
- } else {
- header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
- echo "404 Not found";
- }
- } else {
- header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
- echo "404 Not found";
- }
- }
- function logout() {
- logout_user();
- header("Location: index.php");
- }
- function fbexport() {
- $access_key = db_escape_string($_POST["key"]);
- // TODO: rate limit checking using last_connected
- $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT id FROM ttrss_linked_instances
- WHERE access_key = '$access_key'");
- if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) {
- $instance_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "id");
- $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT feed_url, site_url, title, subscribers
- FROM ttrss_feedbrowser_cache ORDER BY subscribers DESC LIMIT 100");
- $feeds = array();
- while ($line = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- array_push($feeds, $line);
- }
- db_query($this->link, "UPDATE ttrss_linked_instances SET
- last_status_in = 1 WHERE id = '$instance_id'");
- print json_encode(array("feeds" => $feeds));
- } else {
- print json_encode(array("error" => array("code" => 6)));
- }
- }
- function share() {
- $uuid = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["key"]);
- $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT ref_id, owner_uid FROM ttrss_user_entries WHERE
- uuid = '$uuid'");
- if (db_num_rows($result) != 0) {
- header("Content-Type: text/html");
- $id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "ref_id");
- $owner_uid = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "owner_uid");
- $article = format_article($this->link, $id, false, true, $owner_uid);
- print_r($article['content']);
- } else {
- print "Article not found.";
- }
- }
- function rss() {
- header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");
- $feed = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["id"]);
- $key = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["key"]);
- $is_cat = $_REQUEST["is_cat"] != false;
- $limit = (int)db_escape_string($_REQUEST["limit"]);
- $search = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["q"]);
- $match_on = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["m"]);
- $search_mode = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["smode"]);
- $view_mode = db_escape_string($_REQUEST["view-mode"]);
- authenticate_user($this->link, "admin", null);
- }
- $owner_id = false;
- if ($key) {
- $result = db_query($this->link, "SELECT owner_uid FROM
- ttrss_access_keys WHERE access_key = '$key' AND feed_id = '$feed'");
- if (db_num_rows($result) == 1)
- $owner_id = db_fetch_result($result, 0, "owner_uid");
- }
- if ($owner_id) {
- $this->generate_syndicated_feed($owner_id, $feed, $is_cat, $limit,
- $search, $search_mode, $match_on, $view_mode);
- } else {
- header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
- }
- }
- function globalUpdateFeeds() {
- include "rssfuncs.php";
- // Update all feeds needing a update.
- update_daemon_common($this->link, 0, true, false);
- }