path: root/lib/CheckBoxTree.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/CheckBoxTree.js')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CheckBoxTree.js b/lib/CheckBoxTree.js
index 41c74ab3b..2b0c71642 100644
--- a/lib/CheckBoxTree.js
+++ b/lib/CheckBoxTree.js
@@ -1,385 +1,4 @@
-// Release date: 02/05/2010
-require(["dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/tree/TreeStoreModel"], function (declare) {
- return declare( "lib.CheckBoxStoreModel", dijit.tree.TreeStoreModel,
- {
- // checkboxAll: Boolean
- // If true, every node in the tree will receive a checkbox regardless if the 'checkbox' attribute
- // is specified in the
- checkboxAll: true,
- // checkboxState: Boolean
- // The default state applied to every checkbox unless otherwise specified in the
- // (see also: checkboxIdent)
- checkboxState: false,
- // checkboxRoot: Boolean
- // If true, the root node will receive a checkbox eventhough it's not a true entry in the store.
- // This attribute is independent of the showRoot attribute of the tree itself. If the tree
- // attribute 'showRoot' is set to false to checkbox for the root will not show either.
- checkboxRoot: false,
- // checkboxStrict: Boolean
- // If true, a strict parent-child checkbox relation is maintained. For example, if all children
- // are checked the parent will automatically be checked or if any of the children are unchecked
- // the parent will be unchecked.
- checkboxStrict: true,
- // checkboxIdent: String
- // The attribute name (attribute of the that specifies that items checkbox initial
- // state. Example: { name:'Egypt', type:'country', checkbox: true }
- // If a has no 'checkbox' attribute specified it will depend on the attribute
- // 'checkboxAll' if one will be created automatically and if so what the initial state will be as
- // specified by 'checkboxState'.
- checkboxIdent: "checkbox",
- updateCheckbox: function(/**/ storeItem, /*Boolean*/ newState ) {
- // summary:
- // Update the checkbox state (true/false) for the item and the associated parent and
- // child checkboxes if any.
- // description:
- // Update a single checkbox state (true/false) for the item and the associated parent
- // and child checkboxes if any. This function is called from the tree if a user checked
- // or unchecked a checkbox on the tree. The parent and child tree nodes are updated to
- // maintain consistency if 'checkboxStrict' is set to true.
- // storeItem:
- // The item in the whos checkbox state needs updating.
- // newState:
- // The new state of the checkbox: true or false
- // example:
- // | model.updateCheckboxState(item, true);
- //
- this._setCheckboxState( storeItem, newState );
- //if( this.checkboxStrict ) { I don't need all this 1-1 stuff, only parent -> child (fox)
- this._updateChildCheckbox( storeItem, newState );
- //this._updateParentCheckbox( storeItem, newState );
- //}
- },
- setAllChecked: function(checked) {
- var items =;
- this.setCheckboxState(items, checked);
- },
- setCheckboxState: function(items, checked) {
- for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
- this._setCheckboxState(items[i], checked);
- }
- },
- getCheckedItems: function() {
- var items =;
- var result = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
- if ([i], 'checkbox'))
- result.push(items[i]);
- }
- return result;
- },
- getCheckboxState: function(/**/ storeItem) {
- // summary:
- // Get the current checkbox state from the
- // description:
- // Get the current checkbox state from the store. A checkbox can have three
- // different states: true, false or undefined. Undefined in this context means no
- // checkbox identifier (checkboxIdent) was found in the store. Depending on
- // the checkbox attributes as specified above the following will take place:
- // a) If the current checkbox state is undefined and the checkbox attribute 'checkboxAll' or
- // 'checkboxRoot' is true one will be created and the default state 'checkboxState' will
- // be applied.
- // b) If the current state is undefined and 'checkboxAll' is false the state undefined remains
- // unchanged and is returned. This will prevent any tree node from creating a checkbox.
- //
- // storeItem:
- // The item in the whos checkbox state is returned.
- // example:
- // | var currState = model.getCheckboxState(item);
- //
- var currState = undefined;
- // Special handling required for the 'fake' root entry (the root is NOT a
- // this stuff is only relevant for Forest store -fox
- /* if ( storeItem == this.root ) {
- if( typeof(storeItem.checkbox) == "undefined" ) {
- this.root.checkbox = undefined; // create a new checbox reference as undefined.
- if( this.checkboxRoot ) {
- currState = this.root.checkbox = this.checkboxState;
- }
- } else {
- currState = this.root.checkbox;
- }
- } else { // a valid
- currState =, this.checkboxIdent);
- if( currState == undefined && this.checkboxAll) {
- this._setCheckboxState( storeItem, this.checkboxState );
- currState = this.checkboxState;
- }
- } */
- currState =, this.checkboxIdent);
- if( currState == undefined && this.checkboxAll) {
- this._setCheckboxState( storeItem, this.checkboxState );
- currState = this.checkboxState;
- }
- return currState; // the current state of the checkbox (true/false or undefined)
- },
- _setCheckboxState: function(/**/ storeItem, /*Boolean*/ newState ) {
- // summary:
- // Set/update the checkbox state on the store.
- // description:
- // Set/update the checkbox state on the Retreive the current
- // state of the checkbox and validate if an update is required, this will keep
- // update events to a minimum. On completion a 'onCheckboxChange' event is
- // triggered.
- // If the current state is undefined (ie: no checkbox attribute specified for
- // this the 'checkboxAll' attribute is checked to see if one
- // needs to be created. In case of the root the 'checkboxRoot' attribute is checked.
- // NOTE: the store.setValue function will create the 'checkbox' attribute for the
- // item if none exists.
- // storeItem:
- // The item in the whos checkbox state is updated.
- // newState:
- // The new state of the checkbox: true or false
- // example:
- // | model.setCheckboxState(item, true);
- //
- var stateChanged = true;
- if( storeItem != this.root ) {
- var currState =, this.checkboxIdent);
- if( currState != newState && ( currState !== undefined || this.checkboxAll ) ) {
-, this.checkboxIdent, newState);
- } else {
- stateChanged = false; // No changes to the checkbox
- }
- } else { // Tree root instance
- if( this.root.checkbox != newState && ( this.root.checkbox !== undefined || this.checkboxRoot ) ) {
- this.root.checkbox = newState;
- } else {
- stateChanged = false;
- }
- }
- if( stateChanged ) { // In case of any changes trigger the update event.
- this.onCheckboxChange(storeItem);
- }
- return stateChanged;
- },
- _updateChildCheckbox: function(/**/ parentItem, /*Boolean*/ newState ) {
- // summary:
- // Set all child checkboxes to true/false depending on the parent checkbox state.
- // description:
- // If a parent checkbox changes state, all child and grandchild checkboxes will be
- // updated to reflect the change. For example, if the parent state is set to true,
- // all child and grandchild checkboxes will receive that same 'true' state.
- // If a child checkbox changes state and has multiple parent, all of its parents
- // need to be re-evaluated.
- // parentItem:
- // The parent whos child/grandchild checkboxes require updating.
- // newState:
- // The new state of the checkbox: true or false
- //
- if( this.mayHaveChildren( parentItem )) {
- this.getChildren( parentItem, dojo.hitch( this,
- function( children ) {
- dojo.forEach( children, function(child) {
- if( this._setCheckboxState(child, newState) ) {
- var parents = this._getParentsItem(child);
- if( parents.length > 1 ) {
- this._updateParentCheckbox( child, newState );
- }
- }
- if( this.mayHaveChildren( child )) {
- this._updateChildCheckbox( child, newState );
- }
- }, this );
- }),
- function(err) {
- console.error(this, ": updating child checkboxes: ", err);
- }
- );
- }
- },
- _updateParentCheckbox: function(/**/ storeItem, /*Boolean*/ newState ) {
- // summary:
- // Update the parent checkbox state depending on the state of all child checkboxes.
- // description:
- // Update the parent checkbox state depending on the state of all child checkboxes.
- // The parent checkbox automatically changes state if ALL child checkboxes are true
- // or false. If, as a result, the parent checkbox changes state, we will check if
- // its parent needs to be updated as well all the way upto the root.
- // storeItem:
- // The whos parent checkboxes require updating.
- // newState:
- // The new state of the checkbox: true or false
- //
- var parents = this._getParentsItem(storeItem);
- dojo.forEach( parents, function( parentItem ) {
- if( newState ) { // new state = true (checked)
- this.getChildren( parentItem, dojo.hitch( this,
- function(siblings) {
- var allChecked = true;
- dojo.some( siblings, function(sibling) {
- siblState = this.getCheckboxState(sibling);
- if( siblState !== undefined && allChecked )
- allChecked = siblState;
- return !(allChecked);
- }, this );
- if( allChecked ) {
- this._setCheckboxState( parentItem, true );
- this._updateParentCheckbox( parentItem, true );
- }
- }),
- function(err) {
- console.error(this, ": updating parent checkboxes: ", err);
- }
- );
- } else { // new state = false (unchecked)
- if( this._setCheckboxState( parentItem, false ) ) {
- this._updateParentCheckbox( parentItem, false );
- }
- }
- }, this );
- },
- _getParentsItem: function(/**/ storeItem ) {
- // summary:
- // Get the parent(s) of a item.
- // description:
- // Get the parent(s) of a item. The '_reverseRefMap' entry of the item is
- // used to identify the parent(s). A child will have a parent reference if the parent
- // specified the '_reference' attribute.
- // For example: children:[{_reference:'Mexico'}, {_reference:'Canada'}, ...
- // storeItem:
- // The whos parent(s) will be returned.
- //
- var parents = [];
- if( storeItem != this.root ) {
- var references = storeItem[];
- for(itemId in references ) {
- parents.push([itemId]);
- }
- if (!parents.length) {
- parents.push(this.root);
- }
- }
- return parents; // parent(s) of a (Array of
- },
- validateData: function(/**/ storeItem, /*thisObject*/ scope ) {
- // summary:
- // Validate/normalize the parent(s) checkbox data in the store.
- // description:
- // Validate/normalize the parent-child checkbox relationship if the attribute
- // 'checkboxStrict' is set to true. This function is called as part of the post
- // creation of the Tree instance. All parent checkboxes are set to the appropriate
- // state according to the actual state(s) of their children.
- // This will potentionally overwrite whatever was specified for the parent in the
- // store. This will garantee the tree is in a consistent state after startup.
- // storeItem:
- // The element to start traversing the, typically model.root
- // scope:
- // The scope to use when this method executes.
- // example:
- // | this.model.validateData(this.model.root, this.model);
- //
- if( !scope.checkboxStrict ) {
- return;
- }
- scope.getChildren( storeItem, dojo.hitch( scope,
- function(children) {
- var allChecked = true;
- var childState;
- dojo.forEach( children, function( child ) {
- if( this.mayHaveChildren( child )) {
- this.validateData( child, this );
- }
- childState = this.getCheckboxState( child );
- if( childState !== undefined && allChecked )
- allChecked = childState;
- }, this);
- if ( this._setCheckboxState( storeItem, allChecked) ) {
- this._updateParentCheckbox( storeItem, allChecked);
- }
- }),
- function(err) {
- console.error(this, ": validating checkbox data: ", err);
- }
- );
- },
- onCheckboxChange: function(/**/ storeItem ) {
- // summary:
- // Callback whenever a checkbox state has changed state, so that
- // the Tree can update the checkbox. This callback is generally
- // triggered by the '_setCheckboxState' function.
- // tags:
- // callback
- }
- });
-require(["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/dom-construct", "dijit/Tree"], function (declare, domConstruct) {
- return declare("lib._CheckBoxTreeNode", dijit._TreeNode,
- {
- // _checkbox: [protected] dojo.doc.element
- // Local reference to the dojo.doc.element of type 'checkbox'
- _checkbox: null,
- _createCheckbox: function () {
- // summary:
- // Create a checkbox on the CheckBoxTreeNode
- // description:
- // Create a checkbox on the CheckBoxTreeNode. The checkbox is ONLY created if a
- // valid reference was found in the store or the attribute 'checkboxAll'
- // is set to true. If the current state is 'undefined' no reference was found and
- // 'checkboxAll' is set to false.
- // Note: the attribute 'checkboxAll' is validated by the getCheckboxState function
- // therefore no need to do that here. (see getCheckboxState for details).
- //
- var currState = this.tree.model.getCheckboxState(this.item);
- if (currState !== undefined) {
- this._checkbox = new dijit.form.CheckBox();
- //this._checkbox = dojo.doc.createElement('input');
- this._checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
- this._checkbox.attr('checked', currState);
-, this.expandoNode, 'after');
- }
- },
- postCreate: function () {
- // summary:
- // Handle the creation of the checkbox after the CheckBoxTreeNode has been instanciated.
- // description:
- // Handle the creation of the checkbox after the CheckBoxTreeNode has been instanciated.
- this._createCheckbox();
- this.inherited(arguments);
- }
- });
-require(["dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/Tree"], function (declare) {
+define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/Tree", "lib/_CheckBoxTreeNode" ], function (declare) {
return declare( "lib.CheckBoxTree", dijit.Tree,