path: root/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Crypto/DecryptionTraitV2.php
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diff --git a/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Crypto/DecryptionTraitV2.php b/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Crypto/DecryptionTraitV2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..800319d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Crypto/DecryptionTraitV2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+namespace Aws\Crypto;
+use Aws\Exception\CryptoException;
+use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
+use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\LimitStream;
+use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;
+trait DecryptionTraitV2
+ /**
+ * Dependency to reverse lookup the openssl_* cipher name from the AESName
+ * in the MetadataEnvelope.
+ *
+ * @param $aesName
+ *
+ * @return string
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+ abstract protected function getCipherFromAesName($aesName);
+ /**
+ * Dependency to generate a CipherMethod from a set of inputs for loading
+ * in to an AesDecryptingStream.
+ *
+ * @param string $cipherName Name of the cipher to generate for decrypting.
+ * @param string $iv Base Initialization Vector for the cipher.
+ * @param int $keySize Size of the encryption key, in bits, that will be
+ * used.
+ *
+ * @return Cipher\CipherMethod
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+ abstract protected function buildCipherMethod($cipherName, $iv, $keySize);
+ /**
+ * Builds an AesStreamInterface using cipher options loaded from the
+ * MetadataEnvelope and MaterialsProvider. Can decrypt data from both the
+ * legacy and V2 encryption client workflows.
+ *
+ * @param string $cipherText Plain-text data to be encrypted using the
+ * materials, algorithm, and data provided.
+ * @param MaterialsProviderInterfaceV2 $provider A provider to supply and encrypt
+ * materials used in encryption.
+ * @param MetadataEnvelope $envelope A storage envelope for encryption
+ * metadata to be read from.
+ * @param array $options Options used for decryption.
+ *
+ * @return AesStreamInterface
+ *
+ * @throws \InvalidArgumentException Thrown when a value in $cipherOptions
+ * is not valid.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+ public function decrypt(
+ $cipherText,
+ MaterialsProviderInterfaceV2 $provider,
+ MetadataEnvelope $envelope,
+ array $options = []
+ ) {
+ $options['@CipherOptions'] = !empty($options['@CipherOptions'])
+ ? $options['@CipherOptions']
+ : [];
+ $options['@CipherOptions']['Iv'] = base64_decode(
+ $envelope[MetadataEnvelope::IV_HEADER]
+ );
+ $options['@CipherOptions']['TagLength'] =
+ $envelope[MetadataEnvelope::CRYPTO_TAG_LENGTH_HEADER] / 8;
+ $cek = $provider->decryptCek(
+ base64_decode(
+ $envelope[MetadataEnvelope::CONTENT_KEY_V2_HEADER]
+ ),
+ json_decode(
+ $envelope[MetadataEnvelope::MATERIALS_DESCRIPTION_HEADER],
+ true
+ ),
+ $options
+ );
+ $options['@CipherOptions']['KeySize'] = strlen($cek) * 8;
+ $options['@CipherOptions']['Cipher'] = $this->getCipherFromAesName(
+ $envelope[MetadataEnvelope::CONTENT_CRYPTO_SCHEME_HEADER]
+ );
+ $this->validateOptionsAndEnvelope($options, $envelope);
+ $decryptionStream = $this->getDecryptingStream(
+ $cipherText,
+ $cek,
+ $options['@CipherOptions']
+ );
+ unset($cek);
+ return $decryptionStream;
+ }
+ private function getTagFromCiphertextStream(
+ StreamInterface $cipherText,
+ $tagLength
+ ) {
+ $cipherTextSize = $cipherText->getSize();
+ if ($cipherTextSize == null || $cipherTextSize <= 0) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot decrypt a stream of unknown'
+ . ' size.');
+ }
+ return (string) new LimitStream(
+ $cipherText,
+ $tagLength,
+ $cipherTextSize - $tagLength
+ );
+ }
+ private function getStrippedCiphertextStream(
+ StreamInterface $cipherText,
+ $tagLength
+ ) {
+ $cipherTextSize = $cipherText->getSize();
+ if ($cipherTextSize == null || $cipherTextSize <= 0) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot decrypt a stream of unknown'
+ . ' size.');
+ }
+ return new LimitStream(
+ $cipherText,
+ $cipherTextSize - $tagLength,
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ private function validateOptionsAndEnvelope($options, $envelope)
+ {
+ $allowedCiphers = AbstractCryptoClientV2::$supportedCiphers;
+ $allowedKeywraps = AbstractCryptoClientV2::$supportedKeyWraps;
+ if ($options['@SecurityProfile'] == 'V2_AND_LEGACY') {
+ $allowedCiphers = array_unique(array_merge(
+ $allowedCiphers,
+ AbstractCryptoClient::$supportedCiphers
+ ));
+ $allowedKeywraps = array_unique(array_merge(
+ $allowedKeywraps,
+ AbstractCryptoClient::$supportedKeyWraps
+ ));
+ }
+ $v1SchemaException = new CryptoException("The requested object is encrypted"
+ . " with V1 encryption schemas that have been disabled by"
+ . " client configuration @SecurityProfile=V2. Retry with"
+ . " V2_AND_LEGACY enabled or reencrypt the object.");
+ if (!in_array($options['@CipherOptions']['Cipher'], $allowedCiphers)) {
+ if (in_array($options['@CipherOptions']['Cipher'], AbstractCryptoClient::$supportedCiphers)) {
+ throw $v1SchemaException;
+ }
+ throw new CryptoException("The requested object is encrypted with"
+ . " the cipher '{$options['@CipherOptions']['Cipher']}', which is not"
+ . " supported for decryption with the selected security profile."
+ . " This profile allows decryption with: "
+ . implode(", ", $allowedCiphers));
+ }
+ if (!in_array(
+ $envelope[MetadataEnvelope::KEY_WRAP_ALGORITHM_HEADER],
+ $allowedKeywraps
+ )) {
+ if (in_array(
+ $envelope[MetadataEnvelope::KEY_WRAP_ALGORITHM_HEADER],
+ AbstractCryptoClient::$supportedKeyWraps)
+ ) {
+ throw $v1SchemaException;
+ }
+ throw new CryptoException("The requested object is encrypted with"
+ . " the keywrap schema '{$envelope[MetadataEnvelope::KEY_WRAP_ALGORITHM_HEADER]}',"
+ . " which is not supported for decryption with the current security"
+ . " profile.");
+ }
+ $matdesc = json_decode(
+ $envelope[MetadataEnvelope::MATERIALS_DESCRIPTION_HEADER],
+ true
+ );
+ if (isset($matdesc['aws:x-amz-cek-alg'])
+ && $envelope[MetadataEnvelope::CONTENT_CRYPTO_SCHEME_HEADER] !==
+ $matdesc['aws:x-amz-cek-alg']
+ ) {
+ throw new CryptoException("There is a mismatch in specified content"
+ . " encryption algrithm between the materials description value"
+ . " and the metadata envelope value: {$matdesc['aws:x-amz-cek-alg']}"
+ . " vs. {$envelope[MetadataEnvelope::CONTENT_CRYPTO_SCHEME_HEADER]}.");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generates a stream that wraps the cipher text with the proper cipher and
+ * uses the content encryption key (CEK) to decrypt the data when read.
+ *
+ * @param string $cipherText Plain-text data to be encrypted using the
+ * materials, algorithm, and data provided.
+ * @param string $cek A content encryption key for use by the stream for
+ * encrypting the plaintext data.
+ * @param array $cipherOptions Options for use in determining the cipher to
+ * be used for encrypting data.
+ *
+ * @return AesStreamInterface
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+ protected function getDecryptingStream(
+ $cipherText,
+ $cek,
+ $cipherOptions
+ ) {
+ $cipherTextStream = Psr7\Utils::streamFor($cipherText);
+ switch ($cipherOptions['Cipher']) {
+ case 'gcm':
+ $cipherOptions['Tag'] = $this->getTagFromCiphertextStream(
+ $cipherTextStream,
+ $cipherOptions['TagLength']
+ );
+ return new AesGcmDecryptingStream(
+ $this->getStrippedCiphertextStream(
+ $cipherTextStream,
+ $cipherOptions['TagLength']
+ ),
+ $cek,
+ $cipherOptions['Iv'],
+ $cipherOptions['Tag'],
+ $cipherOptions['Aad'] = isset($cipherOptions['Aad'])
+ ? $cipherOptions['Aad']
+ : null,
+ $cipherOptions['TagLength'] ?: null,
+ $cipherOptions['KeySize']
+ );
+ default:
+ $cipherMethod = $this->buildCipherMethod(
+ $cipherOptions['Cipher'],
+ $cipherOptions['Iv'],
+ $cipherOptions['KeySize']
+ );
+ return new AesDecryptingStream(
+ $cipherTextStream,
+ $cek,
+ $cipherMethod
+ );
+ }
+ }