path: root/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/S3Control/EndpointArnMiddleware.php
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1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/S3Control/EndpointArnMiddleware.php b/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/S3Control/EndpointArnMiddleware.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580c174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/S3Control/EndpointArnMiddleware.php
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+namespace Aws\S3Control;
+use Aws\Api\Service;
+use Aws\Arn\AccessPointArnInterface;
+use Aws\Arn\ArnInterface;
+use Aws\Arn\ArnParser;
+use Aws\Arn\Exception\InvalidArnException;
+use Aws\Arn\S3\BucketArnInterface;
+use Aws\Arn\S3\OutpostsArnInterface;
+use Aws\CommandInterface;
+use Aws\Endpoint\PartitionEndpointProvider;
+use Aws\Exception\InvalidRegionException;
+use Aws\Exception\UnresolvedEndpointException;
+use Aws\S3\EndpointRegionHelperTrait;
+use GuzzleHttp\Psr7;
+use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
+ * Checks for access point ARN in members targeting BucketName, modifying
+ * endpoint as appropriate
+ *
+ * @internal
+ */
+class EndpointArnMiddleware
+ use EndpointRegionHelperTrait;
+ /**
+ * Commands which do not do ARN expansion for a specific given shape name
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private static $selectiveNonArnableCmds = [
+ 'AccessPointName' => [
+ 'CreateAccessPoint',
+ ],
+ 'BucketName' => [],
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Commands which do not do ARN expansion at all for relevant members
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private static $nonArnableCmds = [
+ 'CreateBucket',
+ 'ListRegionalBuckets',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Commands which trigger endpoint and signer redirection based on presence
+ * of OutpostId
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private static $outpostIdRedirectCmds = [
+ 'CreateBucket',
+ 'ListRegionalBuckets',
+ ];
+ /** @var callable */
+ private $nextHandler;
+ /** @var boolean */
+ private $isUseEndpointV2;
+ /**
+ * Create a middleware wrapper function.
+ *
+ * @param Service $service
+ * @param $region
+ * @param array $config
+ * @return callable
+ */
+ public static function wrap(
+ Service $service,
+ $region,
+ array $config,
+ $isUseEndpointV2
+ )
+ {
+ return function (callable $handler) use ($service, $region, $config, $isUseEndpointV2) {
+ return new self($handler, $service, $region, $config, $isUseEndpointV2);
+ };
+ }
+ public function __construct(
+ callable $nextHandler,
+ Service $service,
+ $region,
+ array $config = [],
+ $isUseEndpointV2 = false
+ )
+ {
+ $this->partitionProvider = PartitionEndpointProvider::defaultProvider();
+ $this->region = $region;
+ $this->service = $service;
+ $this->config = $config;
+ $this->nextHandler = $nextHandler;
+ $this->isUseEndpointV2 = $isUseEndpointV2;
+ }
+ public function __invoke(CommandInterface $cmd, RequestInterface $req)
+ {
+ $nextHandler = $this->nextHandler;
+ $op = $this->service->getOperation($cmd->getName())->toArray();
+ if (!empty($op['input']['shape'])
+ && !in_array($cmd->getName(), self::$nonArnableCmds)
+ ) {
+ $service = $this->service->toArray();
+ if (!empty($input = $service['shapes'][$op['input']['shape']])) {
+ // Stores member name that targets 'BucketName' shape
+ $bucketNameMember = null;
+ // Stores member name that targets 'AccessPointName' shape
+ $accesspointNameMember = null;
+ foreach ($input['members'] as $key => $member) {
+ if ($member['shape'] === 'BucketName') {
+ $bucketNameMember = $key;
+ }
+ if ($member['shape'] === 'AccessPointName') {
+ $accesspointNameMember = $key;
+ }
+ }
+ // Determine if appropriate member contains ARN value and is
+ // eligible for ARN expansion
+ if (!is_null($bucketNameMember)
+ && !empty($cmd[$bucketNameMember])
+ && !in_array($cmd->getName(), self::$selectiveNonArnableCmds['BucketName'])
+ && ArnParser::isArn($cmd[$bucketNameMember])
+ ) {
+ $arn = ArnParser::parse($cmd[$bucketNameMember]);
+ !$this->isUseEndpointV2 && $partition = $this->validateBucketArn($arn);
+ } elseif (!is_null($accesspointNameMember)
+ && !empty($cmd[$accesspointNameMember])
+ && !in_array($cmd->getName(), self::$selectiveNonArnableCmds['AccessPointName'])
+ && ArnParser::isArn($cmd[$accesspointNameMember])
+ ) {
+ $arn = ArnParser::parse($cmd[$accesspointNameMember]);
+ !$this->isUseEndpointV2 && $partition = $this->validateAccessPointArn($arn);
+ }
+ // Process only if an appropriate member contains an ARN value
+ // and is an Outposts ARN
+ if (!empty($arn) && $arn instanceof OutpostsArnInterface) {
+ if (!$this->isUseEndpointV2) {
+ // Generate host based on ARN
+ $host = $this->generateOutpostsArnHost($arn, $req);
+ $req = $req->withHeader('x-amz-outpost-id', $arn->getOutpostId());
+ }
+ // ARN replacement
+ $path = $req->getUri()->getPath();
+ if ($arn instanceof AccessPointArnInterface) {
+ // Replace ARN with access point name
+ $path = str_replace(
+ urlencode($cmd[$accesspointNameMember]),
+ $arn->getAccesspointName(),
+ $path
+ );
+ // Replace ARN in the payload
+ $req->getBody()->seek(0);
+ $body = Psr7\Utils::streamFor(str_replace(
+ $cmd[$accesspointNameMember],
+ $arn->getAccesspointName(),
+ $req->getBody()->getContents()
+ ));
+ // Replace ARN in the command
+ $cmd[$accesspointNameMember] = $arn->getAccesspointName();
+ } elseif ($arn instanceof BucketArnInterface) {
+ // Replace ARN in the path
+ $path = str_replace(
+ urlencode($cmd[$bucketNameMember]),
+ $arn->getBucketName(),
+ $path
+ );
+ // Replace ARN in the payload
+ $req->getBody()->seek(0);
+ $newBody = str_replace(
+ $cmd[$bucketNameMember],
+ $arn->getBucketName(),
+ $req->getBody()->getContents()
+ );
+ $body = Psr7\Utils::streamFor($newBody);
+ // Replace ARN in the command
+ $cmd[$bucketNameMember] = $arn->getBucketName();
+ }
+ // Validate or set account ID in command
+ if (isset($cmd['AccountId'])) {
+ if ($cmd['AccountId'] !== $arn->getAccountId()) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The account ID"
+ . " supplied in the command ({$cmd['AccountId']})"
+ . " does not match the account ID supplied in the"
+ . " ARN (" . $arn->getAccountId() . ").");
+ }
+ } else {
+ $cmd['AccountId'] = $arn->getAccountId();
+ }
+ // Set modified request
+ if (isset($body)) {
+ $req = $req->withBody($body);
+ }
+ if ($this->isUseEndpointV2) {
+ $req = $req->withUri($req->getUri()->withPath($path));
+ goto next;
+ }
+ $req = $req
+ ->withUri($req->getUri()->withHost($host)->withPath($path))
+ ->withHeader('x-amz-account-id', $arn->getAccountId());
+ // Update signing region based on ARN data if configured to do so
+ if ($this->config['use_arn_region']->isUseArnRegion()) {
+ $region = $arn->getRegion();
+ } else {
+ $region = $this->region;
+ }
+ $endpointData = $partition([
+ 'region' => $region,
+ 'service' => $arn->getService()
+ ]);
+ $cmd['@context']['signing_region'] = $endpointData['signingRegion'];
+ // Update signing service for Outposts ARNs
+ if ($arn instanceof OutpostsArnInterface) {
+ $cmd['@context']['signing_service'] = $arn->getService();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($this->isUseEndpointV2) {
+ goto next;
+ }
+ // For operations that redirect endpoint & signing service based on
+ // presence of OutpostId member. These operations will likely not
+ // overlap with operations that perform ARN expansion.
+ if (in_array($cmd->getName(), self::$outpostIdRedirectCmds)
+ && !empty($cmd['OutpostId'])
+ ) {
+ $req = $req->withUri(
+ $req->getUri()->withHost($this->generateOutpostIdHost())
+ );
+ $cmd['@context']['signing_service'] = 's3-outposts';
+ }
+ next:
+ return $nextHandler($cmd, $req);
+ }
+ private function generateOutpostsArnHost(
+ OutpostsArnInterface $arn,
+ RequestInterface $req
+ ) {
+ if (!empty($this->config['use_arn_region']->isUseArnRegion())) {
+ $region = $arn->getRegion();
+ } else {
+ $region = $this->region;
+ }
+ $fipsString = $this->config['use_fips_endpoint']->isUseFipsEndpoint()
+ ? "-fips"
+ : "";
+ $suffix = $this->getPartitionSuffix($arn, $this->partitionProvider);
+ return "s3-outposts{$fipsString}.{$region}.{$suffix}";
+ }
+ private function generateOutpostIdHost()
+ {
+ $partition = $this->partitionProvider->getPartition(
+ $this->region,
+ $this->service->getEndpointPrefix()
+ );
+ $suffix = $partition->getDnsSuffix();
+ return "s3-outposts.{$this->region}.{$suffix}";
+ }
+ private function validateBucketArn(ArnInterface $arn)
+ {
+ if ($arn instanceof BucketArnInterface) {
+ return $this->validateArn($arn);
+ }
+ throw new InvalidArnException('Provided ARN was not a valid S3 bucket'
+ . ' ARN.');
+ }
+ private function validateAccessPointArn(ArnInterface $arn)
+ {
+ if ($arn instanceof AccessPointArnInterface) {
+ return $this->validateArn($arn);
+ }
+ throw new InvalidArnException('Provided ARN was not a valid S3 access'
+ . ' point ARN.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Validates an ARN, returning a partition object corresponding to the ARN
+ * if successful
+ *
+ * @param $arn
+ * @return \Aws\Endpoint\Partition
+ */
+ private function validateArn(ArnInterface $arn)
+ {
+ // Dualstack is not supported with Outposts ARNs
+ if ($arn instanceof OutpostsArnInterface
+ && !empty($this->config['dual_stack'])
+ ) {
+ throw new UnresolvedEndpointException(
+ 'Dualstack is currently not supported with S3 Outposts ARNs.'
+ . ' Please disable dualstack or do not supply an Outposts ARN.');
+ }
+ // Get partitions for ARN and client region
+ $arnPart = $this->partitionProvider->getPartitionByName(
+ $arn->getPartition()
+ );
+ $clientPart = $this->partitionProvider->getPartition(
+ $this->region,
+ 's3'
+ );
+ // If client partition not found, try removing pseudo-region qualifiers
+ if (!($clientPart->isRegionMatch($this->region, 's3'))) {
+ $clientPart = $this->partitionProvider->getPartition(
+ \Aws\strip_fips_pseudo_regions($this->region),
+ 's3'
+ );
+ }
+ // Verify that the partition matches for supplied partition and region
+ if ($arn->getPartition() !== $clientPart->getName()) {
+ throw new InvalidRegionException('The supplied ARN partition'
+ . " does not match the client's partition.");
+ }
+ if ($clientPart->getName() !== $arnPart->getName()) {
+ throw new InvalidRegionException('The corresponding partition'
+ . ' for the supplied ARN region does not match the'
+ . " client's partition.");
+ }
+ // Ensure ARN region matches client region unless
+ // configured for using ARN region over client region
+ $this->validateMatchingRegion($arn);
+ // Ensure it is not resolved to fips pseudo-region for S3 Outposts
+ $this->validateFipsConfigurations($arn);
+ return $arnPart;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file